Doe B was shot and gunned down in his hometown of Montgomery, Alabama back in December of 2013.

Darius Thomas, one of the men charged with murdering the Grand Hustle artist, accepted a plea deal in December. Yesterday, he was sentenced to 85 years in prison.

Thomas and two other men, Jason McWilliams and Taboris Mock, opened fire in the Centennial Hill Bar after Thomas said somebody threw a bottle at him.  Kimberle Johnson and Timnarius Hamilton were also killed in the shooting. McWilliams and Mock are still facing murder charges.

Thomas apologized to the mothers of his victims after pleading guilty, and said he had fallen in with the wrong crowd. The moms accepted his apology but still asked the judge to give the max

Thomas would have likely gotten life without parole if he didn’t plead guilty. As it stands, he may be able to get out if he lives long enough.